Sunday 8 March 2015


The time has come when we bid you all goodbye.
Trust me,we don't want to.


But we,sadly, have to!

We hope you had fun with us in exploring the world of advertisement.
Cause we sure did!
Pen,paper,the warm glow of our laptop and your love and comments was our heaven redefined!


We looked into products with great advertisement legacies,ads that tickle your funny bone,ads that made you think,ads that embarrass us when watched with our parents ,ads that left us disappointed, ads that striked an emotional chord and many more.

We just hope that our attempt to explore and decipher the ads we see every day but forget was somewhere successful and the next time when you see an ad,you'll actually notice it!

So,I would bid adios now on behalf of my whole team!
Here's to the fun journey that was this blog and we secretly hope that we made it difficult for others to match up!





-By Aadya Dua on behalf of the whole team

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