Wednesday 18 March 2015

Organ trafficking

In this money-minded world there are things being done just to make good profit. The most inhuman activity, involved in this is human trafficking which is selling, one human’s life to other for small amount of money. Human trafficking is done for several reasons which includes trafficking for sexual exploitation, forced labor but most sensitive part is trafficking for organ trade, in any sense it is a crime.

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 Trafficking in organs is a crime that occurs in three broad categories. Firstly, there are cases where traffickers force or deceive the victims into giving up an organ. Secondly, there are cases where victims formally or informally agree to sell an organ and are cheated because they are not paid for the organ or are paid less than the promised price. Thirdly, vulnerable persons are treated for an ailment, which may or may not exist and thereupon organs are removed without the victim's knowledge. The vulnerable categories of persons include migrants, especially migrant workers, homeless persons, illiterate persons, etc. It is known that trafficking for organ trade could occur with persons of any age. Organs which are commonly traded are kidneys, liver and the like; any organ which can be removed and used, could be the subject of such illegal trade. 

As in other trade price of commodity is fixed, in organ trade also the price of the organ is fixed.   Organ such as kidney, liver and heart is sold in the black market and their price is set upon the demand of the organ.
For example:  average paid by a kidney buyer $150000 and average paid to the seller of the kidney $5000 , Average price paid by a liver buyer $21900
There is a another side of organ trade, which are estimated, 120675 patience waiting in the national waiting list for organ transplant it’s obvious that the demand for fresh new organs is high a fact that has created the perfect conditions for thugs corrupt medics and politicians to exploit organs from those who have nothing then sell it to those who have much and in the process make a sizeable profit
There are certain alarming facts, the guiding principles on human organ transplantation (1991) of WHO state that the commercialization of human organs is 'a violation of human rights and human dignity. Even the priceless human body has been tagged with a price tag depending on the body part
As an example a heart can fetch up to one million pound in the black market even after knowing the fact that those who chose to go through a illegal organ transplant faces great danger as the organs are not guaranteed to work and many in fact fail after operations even then typical organ donor is a male of 28 years with annual income of $480 while recipient is a male of about 48 years with annual income of $53000                                          Archive for category Organ Trafficking                      The Illegal Trade in Organ Is Fueled by Desperation and Growing            
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Even then the forceful trade of organ is being continued which leaves us with a question that the precious human body parts need to be traded for silly reasons of black magic and killing a 7 year old boy to give life to 47 year old person after knowing the fact that trade is going to kill both of them.

surbhi verma
group;- zeta


  1. A very extraordinary effort to emphasize on such a critical topic a good platform and good way to create awareness against human trafficking but yet for this problem we must have to find solutions

  2. Informtional data & pictures made ur article impressive..nice work...

  3. Only awareness can help to cope such a common but yet unfocused issue, I hope it could reach each individual. ....
    N u must be appreciated to choose n work on such a topic
