Sunday 8 March 2015


BJPs sweep in the Lok Sabha elections with the biggest victory in 30 years have delivered the party to form government.

These slogans during the lok sabha elections were making huge rounds. Unforgettable slogans and so appealing in every sense to vote for the party.
Well, what made these slogans so appealing ? For that i would say, the portraying of Modi Ji's  vision by their advertising team in every campaign ad in such a way that party's motives were clear to the people from the beginning of the campaign.
Yes you read it right, ADVERTISING TEAM. 
BJPs lok sabha win is no more a new affair but don't you think that what made Modi Ji's election campaign so special. Their ads. 
Why no other party's visions did not make so much hype ? 
Well this is something i am trying to make you think.

To some extent you have to accept that party's advertising team did not let any stone unturned to take over people's heart and mind with a clear, hopeful and positive advertising by keeping Modi at the centre of the campaign. 


You must have seen this ad several times on your television.
How creatively the team has target CORRUPTION, INFLATION, WOMEN SAFETY, LACK OF ELECTRICITY in several parts of the country along with EMPLOYMENT.
What a mass appeal ? They gave a wake up call to almost every sect of the country from women to youth and rural areas. And simply asking for vote by referring "JANTA" maaf nahi karegi.
This is how people believe in party. 

Print ads. How can they be left ? Another most important mass medium covered by Soho Square, Ogilvy and Mather, and media buying agency Madison World.
You could not find any newspaper around the country without Modi's complete page advertisement.
Even if somebody did not want to support BJP was forced to look at their party manifesto. 
"Love them or hate them but  you could not ignore them"

I think this was one of the most appropriate way of catching people's vote. Targeting the deeds of Congress; party in power during that time and promising to devote himself to the Country.
Hitting at the emotional chord of every Indian with powerful music in the background and using the best lyrics.

Basically BJPs campaign reached almost every nook of the country in the form of board hoardings, newspaper ads, television commercials, radio commercials or the rallies. Mass media was appropriately used by the advertising team.
Modi's vision and team's creativity formed a perfect combination to win hearts of people.




  1. So plays a very important role in society..but as they say with great power comes great responsibility...allowing the people to choose for themselves and not "over influencing" them is something which has to be taken into consideration...

  2. Yes you are right Surbhi.
    Its upto the people how they take it.
