Thursday 19 March 2015

human trafficking


... To be deceived or taken against your will, bought, sold and exploited.

 People are bought and sold for sexual exploitation, forced labour, street crime, domestic servitude or even the sale of organs and human sacrifice. Men, women and children are trafficked within their own countries and across international borders. Trafficking affects every continent and every country.

  ...A system based on greed, control and power.

 In whatever shape or form everyone dreams of progress, whether it’s to be loved, to be seen, to belong, or for a better future for their family.  Traffickers often exploit that desire amongst the most vulnerable. Trafficking is so often seeded on deception. The Trafficker creates an intimate point of sale, making promises of progress like an education, a new start and future choices. This is the ultimate deception.

...A global market place where people are the product and everyone has a price tag.

It’s based on an international conveyor belt of transactions and exchange, with sophisticated trade routes and communications.  This human product creates profit, tens of billions every year…and growing.

This has to STOP

The answer is for individuals and society to see this crime, listen for it, talk about it, and take action to disrupt this global system!

STOP THE TRAFFIK exists to equip individuals and communities all over the world to take action


The key is for society, government and business to generously share knowledge, information and resources that can be used to empower vulnerable communities, making them safe, and to disrupt the traffickers’ trade.

STOP THE TRAFFIK exists to energise this movement of generosity.

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