Sunday 22 March 2015

Shameless society

Hello bloggers, once again. I know its pretty late in the night, but I don't think its never to late to blog and gain information. Till now we've got a basic just of what human trafficking is and also learnt in depth about organ as well as child trafficking.
Its time to now go through what kind of atrocities women go through.
                   WOMEN TRAFFICKING

The two major aspects of human trafficking are sex trafficking/slavery, that is, involuntary
prostitution and bride trafficking.


In a country where girl child is resisted to be born, brides are ordered and delivered from one village to the other.

There are not enough girls of the same caste as the boy in most villages, the sex ratio is not balanced. In the north-west of India, the business in brides is booming. Skewed sex ratios in states including Haryana, where there are only 830 girls for every 1000 boys and young women being lured away to jobs in India’s booming cities, men in the villages have very few choices when it comes to finding a wife.
Women are sold for prices cheaper than what cattle's are sold for.
Twenty-one-year-old Vinita had lost all hope of ever seeing her family again. Trafficked from a tea garden in northeast India, she was sold as a bride to a 50-year-old man for about 70,000 rupees (US$1,200). When a rescue team, made up of NGO workers and police, found her almost a year after she had been held captive, she broke down. Holding on to her sister tightly and crying, Vinita said that every attempt of hers to escape had failed, and that when she was caught she had been beaten mercilessly.
Many brides like Vinita are tortured, raped, threated, bought an

d sold. They have scars for their entire lives on their souls as well as bodies even if rescued and helped. While all are not as lucky as Vinita. they are stuck for their entire lives in a ruckus they never even imagined.



There is a huge difference between voluntary prostitution and involuntary prostitution. Involuntary prostitution will be categorized under human trafficking. Involuntary prostitution is when a person is forced to get into sexual activity without their own will with another person for money.
In such cases, girls are trafficked and sold to employers commonly known as "dalla or dallis" in Hindi.
The atrocities faced by such sex victims is unbelievable.
In a six-bed women’s ward in New Delhi’s Safdarjung Hospital

l lies a frail 15-year-old girl. Her face and head are bandaged, leaving visible only a bruised blue-black eye and swollen lips. Burn marks and scabs extend down her neck to her whole body, and a disfigured ear clings on to her face like a piece of mangled flesh. A strange stench surrounds her. The nurse who comes to check on her explains the smell: A wound on the girl’s skull is rotting and has filled with maggots.
The girl tries to speak. In a muffled voice, she says: “My employer would beat me every day with a broom and a stool. Many times she would put a hot pan on my body and burn my skin. That’s how the skin on my skull started peeling out as she repeatedly burned the same spot.”
Somehow the horrific brutality inflicted on this teenager is not an isolated case. Thousands of girls are trafficked every year from remote villages to large cities and sold as domestic workers. Many are abused or sexually exploited.
Extreme poverty, lack of education and employment, and poor implementation of the government’s minimum wage system in rural India make girls more vulnerable to being trafficked.


Its ironic how we are always told as children to respect women, in reality where women are actually disrespected the most.
 So why don't we ever introspect, that are these victims naked when raped or is the society naked when they think.
Hope you liked this post.
-Alisha Chopra <3
team: Zeta

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