Wednesday 11 March 2015

To 'Live-in or not to Live-in', that is the question !

"Shaadi is dal chawal for pachaas saal till you die ... arre life mein thoda bahut keema pav, tangdi kabab, hakka noodle bhi hona chahiye nah?!"

This popular dialogue from the movie Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani probably defines the status of Live-in Relationships in India very aptly, at least from the point of view of our so-called progressive society ! 

The concept of marriage has been given the highest pedestal in the Indian society since time immemorial. And as our Bollywood movies also highly recommend that- 'Ladka aur ladki sirf achhe dost nahi ho sakte', we only tend to subjugate a man and a women's connection with marriage.

In a society that looks down upon Love marriages, talking about a labelled western concept of that of Live-in relationships might appear to be a foolish thought. However, Live-in is slowly but gradually gaining the much needed attention in the Indian scenario, where the parents teach us that talking to a stranger is dangerous, but when it comes to marriage, a stranger is the best suited 'arranged' match for us! Hypocrisy at its best !

While making this video, the most shocking revelation that came in front of me was people's knowledge about the legal status of Live-In Relationships in India. Most people confuse illegality and immorality of this less understood concept.

Live- In relationships are very much legal in india, for all those who don't know! Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 recognises “relationship in the nature of marriage” and protects female partners from domestic violence. Such partners can claim monetary and other reliefs under the Act. Cohabitation or live-in relationships in India though not illegal, is considered socially and morally improper.

After the Delhi High Court judgement in 2010, The Supreme Court in the case of D. Velusamy v.D. Patchaiammal held that, a ‘relationship in the nature of marriage’ under the 2005 Act must also fulfil the following criteria:

(a) The couple must hold themselves out to society as being akin to spouses.
(b) They must be of legal age to marry.
(c) They must be otherwise qualified to enter into a legal marriage, including being unmarried.
(d) They must have voluntarily cohabited and held themselves out to the world as being akin to spouses for a significant period of time, and in addition the parties must have lived together in a ‘shared household’ as defined in Section 2(s) of the Act. 

Merely spending weekends together or a one-night stand would not make it a ‘domestic relationship’. It also held that if a man has a ‘keep’ whom he maintains financially and uses mainly for sexual purpose and/or as a servant it would not, in our opinion, be a relationship in the nature of marriage’.

Quick conceptual notes:

1. There is no proper definition of Live-in relationships in India as it is an evolving concept and the society disregards it.

2. The definition of a Live-in couple too is ambiguous in nature and hasn't been legally defined in a proper manner.

3. No Indian law defines the moral, ethical, economic or any other responsibility of a live-in couple which further adds to the problem in cases of fallout of a live-in couple and the resulting dispute. 

4. The rights of a woman in a live-in relationship has been an unexplored territory. 

5. The rights of the child born from a live-in relationship is another slippery slope. It not only raises moral questions about the acceptance of the child by the society but also raises the debate about the child's upbringing in an environment that is considered to be not-so-conducive by our society since his/her parents aren't married. 

As a citizen, i tried to bring this issue to my reader's notice! I would be delighted to see your response to both my video and my thoughts ! 

By-Riya Chhibber
  Group- Epsilon 


  1. nice work riya! Love the topic.. this is such a topic that people need to know about!! i hope that people watch the video and spread tge word too!! Looking forward to the next one.. keep going

  2. Yes Allan ! I hope i keep making more such videos. This has only motivated me to do more :)

  3. Such a nice topic coverd by you :D
    It was Fab.
    We need people to cover such topics more and more ! :D
    Awesome job done by Riya Chhibber ! <3
    Waiting for more stuff like this to be uploaded 

    1. Ishaan ! Thank you so much ! This appreciation will go a long way for me ! I would love to make more such videos for you guys :)

  4. Hilarious work riya...d video is jst stupendous. ..I thnk our govt should put a ban on dese taboos of our society. .!!!

    1. Sakshi di. True to that. But the government can't put a ban on people's thinking when it itself is blinded and is banning stupid things just for the sake of banning haina?Yes, change should come, change will come, but sadly gradually i believe. what say?

  5. This is incredibly funny and refreshing at the same time. Kudos lady! Good Work. Keep it on! And, expecting more :D

    1. Gunjan! I am enthralled at reading your opinion on my work. I am glad you liked it. Thanks a ton !! And yes, i hope i make more such videos :D

  6. Excellent and commendable work done riya..!!:-D
    Way to go..!!:-)

    1. Surbhi ! Thanks to you guys and our group tutorial on how to upload a video on youtube. Go team Epsilon :D Thanks again for appreciating !

  7. Well i loved the content of both the video and the piece. Video very well made and this topic is something i myself strongly feel about though i think people should have reacted more openly and appropriately.
    Good work

    1. This topic is like the underdog. No doubt! Thanks Aakriti. yeah, i would keep in mind that the responses are more open next time. They might have been burdened with the thought of featuring in a Live-in relationship video :D see taboo here too ! :D :)

  8. Brilliantly executed! The topic in itself is really interesting and worth a debate and is apt for the "Argumentative Indians" theme. The youth has spoken and given its verdict. Well done Miss Journalist, great job. Kudos! Also Venkities rule :P

    1. Thanks Arushi ! This wouldn't have been possible without your support and love ! <3 Yeah Venkities rule big time :D ! And thanks for the amazing help man seriously ! :-*

  9. people are so stupid !! awesome video!! especially if the young people are unaware of certain facts so india is in wrong hands

  10. Hahaha. that's so true rutvik :D

  11. Great work Riya. It is about time that attention be paid to such topics and discussing about their legal status, and what is the general public's view on it. Keep it up. Looking forward to more such videos :)

  12. Thanks Moksha ! Absolutely, the ambiguity of this issue intrigued me too. Thanks for appreciating. I hope you liked the video. <3

  13. Gr8 way to spread awareness amongst the youngsters in a hilarious manner

  14. Loved your work. The whole concept was really nice. I genuinely feel that people need to broaden their horizons and look beyond the notions of morality created by the society. Looking forward to more of such work di. :D

    1. Thanks Aashita ! I am thrilled that young people like you enjoyed the video. Thanks for your inputs dear :-*

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I agree with you . You have really addressed an important issue . Its interesting to see that we live in a country where inspite of having laws , a huge book , filled with it and a proper legal structure. WWe still follow what the perception of our society is. That too .. With the majority, ignoring the opposite views . I recently asked a friend of mine about this, whether will he ever have a live-in relationship. He immediately said no , giving a very negative shade to it. I have sent him the link, lelets hope that he reads. You have really started an amazing thing Indira Ji. Keep it up.

    1. Hahaha! I really hope your friend has some new views about live-in after watching my small attempt in the form of a video. I am glad you shared my piece of work with your friends ! :) Thank you Anhad !

  17. Great job Riya...Loved that you not only got the opinions of the youth on this rather controversial topic but that also covered the legal aspects of the Live-in relationship which desperately need to be highlighted and created awareness about as so pointed out in the video as well..Thanks for this informative video...Once again well done and keep up the good work

    1. Thanks Aadya ! So happy you liked it :) Yes, the legal part of this issue has always been the neglected issue. I thought i should bring it to everyone's notice via this small medium.
