Saturday 28 February 2015

Indian by Religion

In 1947, when India got freedom from British rule, the nation was established as a secular one. Constitution of India guarantees all its citizens the “Right to Freedom of Religion” as a fundamental right under Article 25. This means, that all citizens have the right to practice and promote their religion peacefully. Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Jain, or a person from any other religion should practice his or her religion as long as he or she is not disturbing or harming the public in any way.

Open today’s newspaper, or yesterday’s, or day before yesterday’s  &  you will find a report on communal violence. Attacks on religious establishments, forceful conversions, massacres, riots, you name it and it has taken place in this country. The only question that comes to our mind is whatever happened to tolerance? Why can’t we accept the existence of religions other than ours? Why do we feel the need to establish superiority of our religion over others?

On his return from India, President Obama said, "Michelle and I returned from India — an incredible, beautiful country, full of magnificent diversity — but a place where, in past years, religious faiths of all types have, on occasion, been targeted by other peoples of faith, simply due to their heritage and their beliefs — acts of intolerance that would have shocked Gandhiji, the person who helped to liberate that nation." Perhaps, if Gandhiji had seen the state of our country today and the kind of violence that occurs almost every day in the name of religion, he would have been scandalized.

No religion propagates the idea of harming others, no religion asks its followers to do things that would spoil the peace and harmony of the society. All religions promote a way of living which helps in maintaining peace and leading a balanced and satisfied life. All other aspects of religion that are being communicated today which lead to violence are not God’s words, these are wrong interpretations being made by people who want to see their religion on the top, like it’s a competition.

As the youth of the nation, as the people who are going to shape the nation in the coming years, it is our responsibility to overcome these false interpretations. Read your scriptures, read about your religion and understand that any violence in the name of religion is not being ordered by God. It is being ordered by people who can’t see a society living in peace and happiness. It is our duty, to shape a better future for ourselves and for those who will come after us. It is our duty to ensure that these acts of intolerance stop and each individual living in this country is free to practice the religion of his choice. It is our duty to promote brotherhood. Because before being Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains or Buddhists, we are Indians and it is our responsibility to look out for each other, not harm each other. 
"The purpose of religion is to control yourself, not to criticise others" - Dalai Lama
Read more about communal violence issues in India in recent times:

  1. Protest over Delhi Church Attacks
  2. Church Vandalised in South Delhi
  3. Over 600 cases of Communal Violence in UP
  4. PM Modi on Religious Intolerance 

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